Sunday, March 5, 2017

Light Reading Round Up: Early March '17

Some Light Reading for the beginning of March

A really interesting look at a weird Vegas problem in which abandoned pet bunnies have bred in the wild to the point that there's thousands of feral rabbits all over the city. 

This one made me well up at work (those hormones are unpredictable!) as the grandmothers spoke about how much it meant to them to go to school and learn how to read and write. The grandmother talking about doing homework with a granddaughter just killed me. 

I have loved the Mary Poppins books for ages, and the chapter about little baby Barbara losing the ability to speak to the window sparrow still breaks my heart. I've always thought of babies as coming in the way described in Mary Poppins; having followed a long, long journey through the stars and the universe that left them able to speak with the world before they learned to speak to other humans. I sincerely hope Emily Blunt does this new version justice!

Dev Patel has emerged as such a jewel this award's season (I need to see Lion BTW) and I love this look at his cinema future. This notion that a leading man is a certain kind of white dude needs to die. Dev is hot, hot, hot and has a warmth and charm on screen that I would totally love to see in a romantic comedy!

He is so lovable! I love that the hulking Kal Drogo is the wild family man husband of Lisa Bonet and step-dad to Zoe Kravitz. He just strikes me as such a solid guy. 

This activist and former political prisoner from Myanmar is an inspiration! Only in her 20s now, she received a law degree after her prison term and is a huge advocate for youth empowerment and the education of women in Myanmar. It's nice to be reminded that there's people out there living truly incredible lives. 


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