Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Garments: A Vintage, Cheerful Lady

Playing Dress Up for a Little Lady

I am, cuh-ray-zay about these clothes. I've got a little girl on the brain today, and I couldn't help myself from falling down the rabbit hole at Nordstrom. There's a lot of Mini Boden and Sophia + Sam here, none of which comes cheap.

I love these because they are colorful, playful and cheerful but don't feel commercial. I really don't want to see any character graphics or writing on my girl's clothes. I prefer a more vintage look with sweet little rompers and simple shift dresses.

I want them to feel feminine but sweet, and more vintage and soft than a lot of the super saturated pinks and purples normally on the market. There's plenty of room for a little girl to glow in greens and blues, and a mix of feminine clothes with gender neutral leggings and tops increase the rewearability.

I don't like a lot of the clothes I see at the thrift store, so I end up feeling a bit worried about shopping. On one hand, I really want to save money by buying secondhand but I've also read a lot lately about the merits of have much fewer clothes for your kids but making sure that you love each piece and it is of hand me down quality. There's no reason to own clothes that you don't adore, whether for yourself or your little. I'd rather have one adorable green raincoat with parrots, keep track of it and keep it in good condition, then have one semi-cute coat with three back-ups that never get worn. 

With strategic eBay shopping and clearance rack hunting, perhaps I can find some Mini Boden out there that isn't too eye-wateringly priced. If you shop less you've got a few more dollars available for each purchase!

And no, no reason to think we have a girl yet! But the heart beat today was 170 and the Old Wives' Tale says anything above 140 is a girl ;) We shall see, friends!

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