Friday, August 19, 2016

Fashion Crush Friday: The Expanse's Chrisjen Avasarala

Oh boy! We have a badass shrouded in shadow and sumptuous fabrics for you today (feel free to praise that Ssss work btw!).

Chrisjen is the Deputy Undersecretary to the Secretary of the United Nations and is a major player in inter-Solar System politics. For our purposes, just know that she's a total Hawk representing Earth's interests against the militaristic Martians and a terrorist faction of the oppressed miners in the Asteroid Belt past Mars. 

She wears massive, dripping gems, beautifully intricate saris, and her hair is thick and glossy in it's multi-bound ponytail. 

In the belt, everyone is wearing dirty, practical jumpsuits, and on Mars the focus is on futuristic naval uniforms. Chrisjen's vivid use of color is a great contrast in a show that's seem to be shot with a grey filter, and it offers clear symbolism for Earth's bounty. 

These saris are an armor all their own, of rich satin and fantastic trim. I love the over the shoulder drape, and the tailoring that keeps any portion from dragging on the floor. 


There's a wonderful scene where Chrisjen investigates my dear Holland's past in Montana. She shows up at his family compound in this outrageous red outfit, capped with a fur. Because she's a boss. 

She also wears different takes on the sari, whether belting it on the left or replacing the satin with a sheer gauze overlay. Note that she sticks with the dark colors that pop against her hair and skin. 

If you really want a good look at those fabrics, seeing one sprawled around on her roof is just gorgeous. I cannot get over how wrinkle free she is in this close-up, btw. That is one gorgeous lady. 

And for a delightful send off, here we have Chrisjen finally seeing the forest for the trees as begins prepping for an internal war in Season 2. She can be headstrong and rash every now and again, so I love knowing that she's about to go from pawn to chess master! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow love this woman. Shes so great in everything. Such a sultry voice. Amazing.

    1. She is certainly dynamite on the screen- very talented!

  3. So they couldn't find a single Indian women to play the character but they choose a iranian character to drape the Saree. Talk about cultural appropriation.

    1. Perhaps they could have. On the other hand, I imagine there are not a lot of parts for elder Iranian women out there. This is, after all, supposed to be over 200 years in the future. It is interesting that you have a problem with this one casting choice when this show has the most diverse leading cast in any television series ever, and even more importantly in a Science Fiction series. Feel free to look into the ethnic backgrounds of all the actors if you wish. I hope you come to see them as Earthers, Martians & Belters who all have 2 centuries of history of migrations from this time period.

  4. I love her in this role. She has such a powerful presence! She's an actress. Suspend disbelief and judge her on her performance rather than her actual race. To me she does an excellent job and she looks the part. Actors play different nationalities all the time. If someone fits the role, then great. I love her in this role.
