Friday, July 1, 2016

Fashion Crush Friday: Carey Mulligan

In these profiles, I normally like to focus on a celebrity's street style with just a few flashes of their red carpet look. That's because basically everyone has a stylist, so once you're a celeb you can't exactly take full credit for your look. The way I see it in the hierarchy of influence there's street style, then red carpet style, then photo shoots where you're basically just a breathing prop.

 Carey Mulligan is kind of an exception. I'm insane about her red carpet style. She normally lives with her husband and their baby in the English countryside, so it's pretty rare to grab a street style look at her.

I've complimented other FCFs in the past for keeping their hair and makeup minimal and letting their style speak for itself, buy none of them compare to Carey Mulligan's seriously understated breed of minimalism. Her hair is normally down loose or in a simple chignon with her makeup so minimal that sometimes she looks barefaced. When you're that beautiful, with that face, you really don't need enhancements.

She wears a lot of black, which I'm normally hugely against. This stems from my conviction that black is for people who are sad and ashamed of themselves inside. However, Miss Mulligan manages to rock the monochrome with poise. Wearing black and white fabrics in architectural silhouettes seem like an act of precision and not a lack of creativity. 

Fortunately, she can also get floaty and frilly every now and again. I love that she generally prefers simple, sleeker shoes that don't weigh her down. Here she has a softness and ruffle to the edges of her dresses, but they are well tailored so that neither of them drown her core or torso in excess fabric. 

Strong prints are such fun! The mismatched sweater game going on in the third photo really shouldn't work, but there's just no doubt that it does. There's some great pattern placement on the top two dresses, as the print on the left starts after the black accentuates her narrow waist. On the right, the boxes are actually smaller in the bust and waist of the dress and larger in the bottom which creates a kind of optical allusion. 

In terms of a specific quirk, this very high, rounded neckline is so distinctive! I don't think I've seen it on anyone else. It completely shows off the collarbones and cut of the shoulders and again feels so architectural. 

And in true Rachel McAdams style, Carey Mulligan looks like a natural beauty with any hair color. Some ladies have all the luck... including a Mumford & Sons husband!

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