Thursday, July 28, 2016

Decorating the Nest: Living Like a Malfoy

FYI Voldie- I will take the Dark Mark for this couch!
When it comes to atmospheric inspiration, it's very hard to beat the refined, restrained Slytherin dungeons. These residents are from old money with exquisite taste, and the rumpled, mismatched good cheer of the Gryffindor common room does not fly here. Valuing tradition is one of the least respected aspects of Slytherin, and I love the idea of even children having a really beautiful, mature space. Let's take a little tour of that Slytherin inspiration and see what you think. 

There's a tumblr account called Dear Mr. Potter by Pvffskein that is full of mood boards of all types. This Slytherin board really captures that rich bottle green in a kind of half light with great textures like draping silk and thick velvet.  

My sister is going to die when she realizes that I'm using Slytherin as a design inspiration. When I imagine my future house, I want the kids living in clear, bright Ravenclaw tower rooms and I want a family room that feels like the best of the Gryfinndor common room with a raging fire. But when I think about the adult rooms like a den or study, I absolutely think of the refined luxury of the Slytherin. I love the idea of slipping away to read or think and feeling like I'm in a fully grown-up carefully curated space. 

Here are three other rooms to draw inspiration from: 

Source: LifeOnSundays.Com
Source: TheBlueRememberedHills.Blogspot.CA
Guess what else the house of tradition has going for them? Jewels, jewels, jewels. Yep, when I think Slytherin I think of polish and elegance. A respect for a quality piece, holding onto heirlooms (not in a creepy Grimmauld kind of way!), and really taking great care of the space you live in. The entire concept of ancestral homes is so utterly British and posh and I can only imagine the design challenges and perks that they present. 

Source: Donald-Resslers.Tumblr.Com
And sure, it won't be the brightest space drowning in natural light, but that murky half light coming in from the lake? That actually sounds really magical. 

What do you think? Do you want to have some spaces in your house that are geared for adults? Is Slytherin a bit too dark for your tastes? 


  1. Wow Slytherin has never looked so sexy.

    1. My thought exactly! No one gives them credit for all those great gems and luxurious leather furniture!
