As a closet introvert, my version of FOMO isn't missing out on social events so much as someone finding a killer steal at Goodwill and using it to transform their living room into the midcentury modern paradise that I can only dream of.
So don't worry, I do try to be aware of the ways that following along with our favorite bloggers can be more of a hinderance than an inspiration. When everyone's carefully curating their life, it can be easy to become convinced that we'll never measure up.
I'm actually embarrassed to admit that I left a girlfriend's place this year, and caught myself thinking about how much more curated her living room was and what a loser I felt like for not having our sprawling rental house (shared with 4 gents at the time!) better arranged. A few days later, I reflected on what an awesome time we had together and couldn't believe I'd sat there thinking there was no way I was gonna let Miss Martha see my place!
I've tried very carefully over the past few years to invite the right kind of zen and energy into my life and I've stumbled across some women that I am crazy about. Reading their posts or seeing their pictures always leaves me feeling positively inspired, and impressed by the traits that they have that I most want to emulate. Just o be clear- I don't know these people personally. Because, duh, it's The Internet.
Grace Patton is my first and most significant blog crush. I love, love, love the peeks that she offers into her little life raising the 5 mini Pattons with her Dr. husband, Simon. She writes about whatever's on her mind, is Catholic but never preachy about it, and takes every aspect of life with toddlers and babies with a grain of salt and a good life. I should feel weird that my fashion inspiration is a mother of 5, but God she seriously just kills it. I couldn't wear printed pants as a newlywed and she's post-5 humans!!
I love her instagram @Camp_Patton and she's over at Camp Patton.
On Instagram, I cannot get enough of Goldilocks and the Wolf. Goldi shares amazing images from her hikes and adventures with her husky, Kyro, in the Pacific Northwest. Kyro came into her life after she left a violent relationship, and I just love seeing a woman who has really rebuilt herself and found such a genuine companion and partner. It's mostly just jaw dropping photos each day, but she also runs awesome Q&As about huskies and part-wolf dogs and speaks out against bullying and domestic violence.
Instagram @GoldilocksandtheWolf and at Our Own Little Fairytale.
She's @ThePioneerWoman on Instagram and The Pioneer Woman website.
Pretty Providence Ladies. These two are such sweethearts, and feel almost impossibly relatable. Their posts aren't always picture perfect, and they write really honestly about the ways in which choosing frugal living day after day can be hard and draining. They're committed to living below their means to ensure financial health for themselves and their families, but they also have a great sense of style and fun so it never feels preachy. They write approachable, fun posts about setting up a guest bedroom with thoughtful little touches, and how they stay inspired to stick within their budgets.
Instagram @PrettyProvidenceBlog and at their lifestyle site Pretty Providence.
Your turn- who should I be reading and following?! A certain girlfriend out there has already recommended Cup of Jo (thanks, E) and I'd love to know the other women that you're all being inspired by!
Personally I know a certain someone that inspires me everyday. She is real cute and likes to bloggy blog. I can't tell you who she is just like I can't tell you who I am!