Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Celebrations: A Dragonball Halloween

It's never too early to start prepping Halloween costumes, especially if you restrict yourself to homemade efforts. In our group of friends, there's one big Halloween party that is the Be All & End All, and it's a blast to see what people come up with. Kudos definitely go to the cleverest looks, and it's so fun to see someone walk in the door and be instantly recognized as a homemade version of some minor character.

This year, we'll be a family of 3, so its time for our first family costume! Our biggest obsession during my first and second trimester was hands down Dragonball Z. We watched sooo many episodes. It was great to just kind of relax and snuggle my way through a cold, tiring winter in those early months of pregnancy. I'm a big believer in learning to love what your spouse loves, so it was really fun to let him take me on a tour of his favorite childhood show. 

My favorite family combo on the show was definitely Bulma the inventor, Vegeta the chronically cranky prince, and baby Trunks who was around in either his baby or time traveling grown up forms.

For Bulma, my big choices are either the pink costume or the red dress.

Vegeta has his usual blue battle uniform, or one particularly memorable/amusing pink t-shirt outfit. Baby trunks has the little navy/purplish hat with ears, which has to be easy to make or find. 

There's other Dragonball Z characters, like a baby Goku that is seriously adorable.

We may not end up going Dragonball this year, but it's fun to start thinking of themes in advance! It definitely feels a bit silly to get all dressed up when we won't be going Trick or Treating or taking the baby with us to our friends party, but maybe we'll do a fun family party where everyone comes dressed up and has some goodies! Either way, it'll be one for the family photo album. 

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