Monday, May 30, 2016

Tribute Tuesday: Rupi Kaur

The inspiration section of Pinterest can move very quickly from some nice reminders that Beyonce Wasn't Built in a Day to that special breed of Pinterest Perfect that would make Mary Poppins feel like a 3rd rate au pair. 

However, I recently ran into the work of feminist poet Rupi Kaur and was absolutely blown away. I'm working on hunting down a copy of her collection Milk and Honey. I love the simple font and the winding little black and white sketches that accompany each piece.

For now, enjoy the reminder on this delightful Tuesday that you are (or are surrounded by) strong, independent women, and that not all poetry needs to be overwrought, embellished or wordy. 

1 comment:

  1. Some strong words there. Thank you for sharing this with us Mrs. Smith!
