Friday, May 27, 2016

Decorating the Nest: Mirrors

If you wanted to lighten up a dark room, or expand the boundaries of a space, mirrors are your best bet. I love mirrors because regardless of the exterior framing, they really perform the same function. Plus they are one of the easiest thrift store grabs out there. Your closest Goodwill definitely has a few in stock and from there it's a simple afternoon craft project to alter the frames. 

Just  keep the angle in mind when you're hanging them and go for extra points by pairing one opposite a window or a bright colorful piece of art.

The mid-century modern starburst style is extremely popular and actually lends itself well to DIY. A few coats of metallic spray paint with a series of dowel rods to form the starburst pattern, and you're spending about 10% of what a mid-century modern piece normally costs.

The piece is an interesting look at proportions. The wire swirls are massive flower petals, but because they are so thin they don't look too far extended compared to the simple center mirror. 

This piece is screaming to be DIYed over the weekend. Just grab your closest full length mirror for $8 at Wal-mart, give some 2x4s a rough and jagged edge, slap on some stain, hot glue the pieces together, and you are have a liquid mirror framed by driftwood on the wall. Seriously cool.

If you're going for the Bachelor Pad vibe, consider these masculine and very organic cog frames. The trio effect makes the fractured reflections even more eye catching.

Maybe you want to make your space feel airy or maybe you're just a bit of a narcissist and like to have a view of yourself from each direction. No judging here!

1 comment:

  1. I love mirrors too! Great job. I can really see yourself in this article.
