Thursday, April 28, 2016

Decorating the Nest: Paper Those Walls

Don't panic! I'm not advocating for a 90s resurgence and I don't have kitschy fruit borders on order for the kitchen. Wallpaper is coming back with a vengeance, whether it's sleek and modern or lushly detailed. 

Think about wallpaper as amping up an isolated room by applying your favorite artwork directly to the walls. Today's wallpaper makes a strong statement, so it's best used in small doses and with carefully coordinated accessories. That's why wallpaper has become a powder room favorite. Bathrooms offer a small, clearly delineated area that frequently has it's own theme and uses minimal decor pieces. 
This bathroom is so carefully coordinated, from the orange flowers on the vanity to the dark hued vanity that matches the boats. I am drooling over the huge impact made in such a small square footage, and that transporting atmosphere.  What a pleasant surprise it must be to wander into. 

One of the things that scares people most about wallpaper is the way it can so quickly dominate and overwhelm a space. When it comes time to use a vibrant color or pattern, you can isolate it to just the bedroom's closet doors (like the pink below) or a small portion of the entry way (like the blue). This is a great approach if you are worried about getting sick of a pattern or finding it too overwhelming.

Instead of the vibrant, mural like style of the previous papers, you could also consider sleeker neutrals. This silver art deco inspired wallpaper is almost impossibly modern. This would look superb in a formal dining room, and the use of neutrals means that you could actually redecorate the room frequently to keep the decor from getting stale. Can you say Gatsby and Daisy rendezvous?

For as often as I advocate Scandinavian whites to lighten a space, there's something appealingly exotic about a rich, dark wallpaper. It practically screams cozy, lush opulence. There's a real risk here that you'll find yourself squinting to make out those golden leaves in a dark cave, but if you can pull it off with enough natural light, it brings a very sophisticated ambience. 

What do you say? Are you willing to consider making a bold statement or is wallpaper still too 90s for you? 

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