Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tribute Tuesday: Vintage National Park Posters

I recently took a road trip through many of America's National Parks in the Southwest. They're a reminder of what awe really feels like. They are epic, and beautiful, and overwhelming, and ancient. 

The trip was personally significant for many reasons, which means that the idea of commemorative art really appeals to me. One of the many constants at the Visitor Centers were a series of vintage posters being rereleased to celebrate the original WPA posters, and new releases in a similar style. 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sunday Steal: Electric Neon Saucony Guide 8s

This Sunday Steal section is an embarassingly massive deal for me because it marks my return to the promised land of retail after the Great Shopping Drought of 2016. 

That's right. I gave up shopping, COLD TURKEY, for the entirety of Lent 2016. I'm proud to confirm that I didn't break my vows once.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Sampler: 3.26.16

I absolutely love falling down the rabbit hole of the internet. Seriously. I have about a dozen tabs up at a time, I'm midway through 4 articles, and I can't help but get attracted to one weird quirk of information and need to scout out the rest of the story.

Is that a mythical world of adventure floating in my coffee cup? 
I have some favorite haunts that reliably provide sparks of interest (The Atlantic, Slate, Cracked, the Daily Beast, Mother Jones, Brain Child) and offer peeks into topics that I've never considered.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Fashion Crush Friday: Mary Goodwin

Our inaugural fashion crush is Mary Goodwin, one half of the science wonder twins behind tech giant Looking Glass, on Fox's Second Chance. Mary is played by the magnetic Dilshad Vadsaria.

Mary is the public face and logistical prowess behind one of America's biggest tech innovators. While her brother invents in his labs, Mary brings their tech to the masses and navigates between employees, shareholders, and the press.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fashion Crush Friday Is Coming!

When a woman says, 'I have nothing to wear!', what she really means is, 'There's nothing here for who I'm supposed to be today.' -Caitlin Moran

Set design and costuming are the silent, mood setting, heavy-lifters in TV and movies. A simple snapshot of a character's spike heels, rumpled bed head, or scuffed boots conveys an instant message.